Beaches in Paleros

The best beaches in Etoloakarnania and Western Greece
next to Paleros Bay Villas

Vathyavali beach

Vathyavali Beach

A few kilometers from Pogonia we will enjoy the most beautiful beach of Etoloakarnania.

Vathyavali, is located after Ai Giannis and Varko, and until a few years ago it was known only to sailors, since it offers a calm anchorage for boats.

Potamaki Beach

Potamaki beach of Pogonia is one of the most beautiful beaches of the Ionian. It is characterized by fine sand, clear blue and shallow waters, which make it one of the busiest beaches.

Potamaki beach

Pogonia Beach

Pogonia beach, just 100 meters from Paleros Bay Villas, is one of the quietest and most accessible beaches in the area.

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